Story of VioResume

Since the launch of youtube a new era has begun on the internet. It was new and internet speed was not good everywhere but few people took the hassle and started uploading videos. Eventually the audience grew and people shifted to watching more and more videos instead of reading. Surely soon enough youtube became one of the most popular platforms for people to get entertainment, product review  and visual instructions. People started Vlogging. Vloggers started to generate money and youtubing became their full time gig. The point is it’s easy to watch and listen instead of reading. Same goes for linkedin in resumes. Paper resumes and CV became online resumes through linkedin, people started to create connections and share their profiles. Eventually recruiters saw the benefit of looking through profiles on linkedin. Recruiting became much easier. We, the founder of VioResume, have been into the job recruiting business for decades. Most often we see amature resumes along with fake and incomplete resumes. So we started checking out linkedin profiles. Turns out spammers make our job harder and anyone can copy another person’s information. We needed something more authentic. We want a better pre-screening solution. We started looking for more authentic ways to find candidates. So we created a video resume platform. We named it Vio Resume. Vio is a greek word meaning biography.  When people use our platform for their job search they get tons of attention. Recruiters respond much faster.So hired through our VioResume platform. We asked our candidates to create a video resume profile. We found candidates who have confidence and leadership skills are able to complete VioResume profiles. It’s 100% authentic. The perfect solution we were looking for. Can VioReusme reshape the recruiting industry the way Youtube changed the way we perceive content consumption?

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